Designer: Klaas Jan Damstra
This puzzle measures: 84 mm x 84 mm x 84 mm
Material: Mahogany, Maple and Oak
Moves: 54(
Klaas Jan Damstra wrote about it:
“The goal while designing this puzzle was to have the single hole that one can see in the midst of the arrangement of the four pieces on a surface come back in both the centres of the surfaces and the edges of the cage. The consequence of this is that two parts of the cage have to be connected to one another inside the puzzle. To make the puzzle strong enough there are two internal connections. Jakub used additional wooden pins to make the internal connections stronger, what nicely adds to the decoration. Due to the obstructions inside the cage, two different type of pieces were needed to make the puzzle design, so this one is different than the first version which was published on PWBP.”