
Designer: Volker Latussek

Entry for the design competition IPP 39 Kanazawa Japan

Material: Maple and Massaranduba

Bernhard Schweitzer wrote about it:

“A new puzzle idea designed by the moretimes awarded designer Dr. Volker Latussek was under the Top Ten Voters. The designer is famous for his intriguing designs, all his puzzles are designed with only a few, mostly identical, simple looking pieces, so that everybody says: ‘o.k. give me, that I’ll do it’ and then also after 30 minutes or mostly much more the collector identifies that the piece is not so easy as it was looking; PEAMARU consists of 2 pairs of identical L shaped Triominos and Tetrominos with dots on different positions; the goal is: ‘Arrange the pieces so that all the dots are paired face-to-face, and the structure is stable’. The solution will give you a smile and a great Aha-effect. Just like all his designs before and highly recommanded new puzzle designed by Dr. Volker Latussek.”