
Designer: Stéphane Chomine

This puzzle measures: 96 mm x 60 mm x 60 mm

Material: Wenge and Padouk

Moves: 21(21)

Kevin Sadler wrote about it:

“Campanus looks very similar in general shape to previous puzzles by Stéphane. The amazing thing is that he seems to create puzzles that look remarkably similar but with totally different solutions. I absolutely love the contrasting Wenge and Padauk with the usual perfect finish. My initial seconds with the puzzle were fun as nothing moved at all, in any direction! Interestingly there is a hidden piece which is very well disguised. Once that is discovered then you are on your way… lots of sliding pieces back and forth and using that hidden piece as a rail to get others into position. The fascinating thing here was that the stated solution level is just 21. A single number? Once the first piece is out then all will come clear. This puzzle is not too difficult but it has a fabulous sequence and a couple of lovely Aha! moments during the solve. It is perfect for someone new to burrs as well as seasoned puzzles (like
me). It also is another puzzle that is perfect as an assembly puzzle – scrambling the pieces and attempting reassembly is pure logic and can easily be worked out from scratch.”